Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Learning Biological Science At Standard XI


  • Dr. D. Sumathi
  • Mrs. Shyla Gnanam Ebenezer




Blended Learning- It combines the best of both the usage of internet resources and the face-to-face classroom experience, Effectiveness- The term “effectiveness” refers here to the extent Blended learning produced better results in the terms of the scores of students in achievement tests, Biological Science- The biology text book of standard XI.


The major purpose of the study was to explore the impact of blended learning on the achievements of students. The study was experimental type. Equivalent group study design was used. The collected data of both groups were analysed and interpreted using mean, standard deviation and t-test, and conclusions were drawn. The results of the study were in the favour of blended learning approach, therefore, it is suggested that this approach should be widely used in conventional classroom at various levels of education.


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DOI: 10.53724/inspiration/v6n2.02
Published: 30-03-2021

How to Cite

Dr. D. Sumathi, & Mrs. Shyla Gnanam Ebenezer. (2021). Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Learning Biological Science At Standard XI. Research Inspiration, 6(II), 01–07. https://doi.org/10.53724/inspiration/v6n2.02




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