Life Skills Of Pre-Service Teachers: A Comparative Study
Life skills, Male and female pre-service teachers, Self- Awareness skill, Interpersonal skill, Effective Communication skill, Problem solving skill, Decision making skill, Critical Thinking Skill, creative thinking skill, Empathy, Coping with Stress, Coping with EmotionAbstract
Teachers have a pivotal role in our education system. However, inefficiency in teachers can affect the very foundation of this education system and which in turn will lead to the downfall of society and the nation. It is well said that the quality of education depends on the quality of teachers, so it is essential to prepare a quality teacher. As the teacher acts as transmitter of knowledge, motivator, and manager so it is dire need to train the prospective teacher in Life skills. According to WHO life skills have been defined as “the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. The present study include ten Life skills as suggested by WHO i.e. Self-awareness skill, Interpersonal skill, Effective Communication skill, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Coping with Emotion, and Empathy. A descriptive survey method is used for this study. The data of 100 pre-service teachers in which 40 female and 60 male pre-service teachers, were collected by random cluster sampling technique from two B.Ed. colleges of Ghaziabad affiliated to C.C.S. University Meerut in Ghaziabad district. Moreover, t-test is used as a statistical technique to compare the life skills between male and female pre-service teachers. However, the investigator found no significant difference between the male and female pre-service teachers in their Life Skills.
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