A Study on work culture during Covid-19 Pandemic: Special Reference to the concept of Virtual Fatigue in academia
Virtual fatigue, work culture, Pandemic, work from homeAbstract
The broke-out of the 2019 pandemic which had a huge impact on the work and works culture across the educational institutions in the world, has emphasized more innovative work methods, to overview the academic processes. This study aims to evaluate the influence of work culture and the effects of the newly adopted work process during the COVID-19 pandemic on academia. As, the work procedure i.e., Work from home widely accepted by most of the organizations during lockdown was not as easy as it was predicted, whereas the workforce had to pass through various challenges during this very process, one as such is zoom fatigue. This paper mainly focuses on the work cultures embraced by the organizations during pandemics and the methods adopted to accompany the work process as like the virtual platforms which were chosen by the organizations.
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