Buddhist education system and institutions Boudhkalin shikshan Padhti Evam Sansthayen

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Medhavi Krishna


In ancient times i.e. before Buddhism, according to Guru-shishya tradition in education, Guru used to start the teaching process after the child's Upanayana Sanskar. At that time, educational institutions used to be located in jungles and forests, the main reason for this was also that in the ancient education system, it was necessary to have a calm environment for Vedas, Upanishads, Sadhana Yoga, etc. The students used to leave their homes and take an education in the ashram of the Guru in the forest like Brahmacharya. Through this research paper, we have to study the teaching method of the Buddhist period and the working system of institutions providing education.

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How to Cite
Medhavi Krishna. (2017). Buddhist education system and institutions: Boudhkalin shikshan Padhti Evam Sansthayen. Research Inspiration, 2(III), 274–281. Retrieved from http://www.researchinspiration.com/index.php/ri/article/view/173


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